Poems of Uday Mandal


Uday Mandal resides at Farrakka , Murshidabad, born on 13.01.67 and completed double M.A in English literature and in Education , also completed B. ED. He writes a book ,Practical English Grammar by name . He is well trained in English phonetic and acquired some awards . 

we are glad to publish some poems of Sri Uday Mandal in zero boundary today. 

1 : The Wild Dance Of Dark

When Dark dances at home, 

He gives birth of Bombs

Who present only tombs. 

He is fully against Rome. 

Wherever he goes, 

He does pose. 

Only he knows. 

He has dose. 

He fingers Light :

Do not fight. 

Fly my kite. 

Otherwise do side. 

He doesn't at all know. 

He is none but a foe.

2 : The Old Mom's Love

Two kittens are sporting in the garden. 

But she doesn't have any burden. 

She is really very happy, thinking so, 

A mother can never be a foe. 

They have a human ground. 

But they think it unsound. 

And hence, they are bound

To play there like a hound. 

Everyday they turn up. 

It removes their cough. 

They enjoy old mom. 

They explod pleasure bomb. 

They dance really very well. 

The best itch and swell.

3 : Humanity Weeps

The bird on the tree

Outside my own sweet hut

Has got her doors shut. 

She is really not free. 

Everyday she happily makes a come. 

And gleefully beats her divine drum. 

Now she is only a bow. 

And so, she has no show. 

Her flute is really very sweet. 

There is no word to tweet. 

A stone has kissed her bone. 

She doesn't receive any phone. 

She does have a full right. 

But she has had a strong bite.

4 : To the Redrose

Please listen to your heart. 

It will show the cart. 

You will have a ride. 

You will have a guide. 

Please don't waste your time. 

It will distort rhythm and rhyme. 

Why don't you think? 

You will really get pink. 

Ring in the very muse. 

You have playfully put aside. 

Without singing the sleeping excuse, 

You have lost your guide. 

Put the busiest vehicle to a stand. 

Have the real guide and the band.

5 : Let Me Open My Heart

Now you are unknowingly off. 

But I wiln't soap. 

One day you will feel. 

I am really no kill. 

I am not sorry. 

I shall do carry. 

I have taken an oath. 

I will maintain both. 

You may, needs, be more late. 

I shall certainly not be upset. 

I shall keep open my gate. 

Time shall certainly kiss my fate. 

I want you. 

I will sew.

6 : Humane Life's Grammar

There is at all no dark. 

Let me happily be at work. 

I will take to the park

When day will meet first dark. 

We should not fear Summer. 

It fairly teaches life's grammar. 

The taste is very sweet. 

Nobody should merely do quit. 

Work is true worship. 

It's real ownership. 

It gives a township. 

It  provides a workship. 

I will come back in time. 

I will sing a beautiful rhyme.


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