Poems of Anjali De Nandy


Anjali De Nandi,  now resides in New Delhi. Her dt of birth is 17, 12, 1966

,passed B. Sc. from Kolkata , She is a  professional writer in New Delhi ,

Author of M. A. Help book, IGNOU ,

Poet of English Rhymes books ,

Poet of Bengali poems books


Today we are glad to publish a bunch of poems of Anjali De Nandi. in zero boundary magazine. 

1: The rain and me....

The rain...


It is falling down...

On my big town...

On my narrow lane...

It starts from a. m. 10....

And finishes at p. m. 11...

In the mean time,

I eat eggs of duck and hen...

Total- 7;

Yes, then,

I recite my childhood rhyme...

I recited it,

When my age,

Yes, it was only 3...

Which is in Bengali language.

Now my age,

Yes, it is 53,

And now also I recite it...

With my childish heartbeats.

Yes, my age,

And the rain,

Both are ever children.

We are ever dears...

The nature is our ever mind's seats.

Though we both meet and meet...

With so many new years 

Of so many years.

I was enjoying under rain......

At past, then.....

And also, now, I am enjoying under rain...

 2: The frog on the log

The river is flowing.

The air is blowing.

On the waves, here is a big log.

On it, here is a big frog.

It is calling.


Oh! Oh! Oh!

So strong voice of it's throat!

The rain is falling.

I am on a boat.

Just side of me, here is my pet dog.

We float, float and float...

It touches to the log.

Then the frog,

It hops and sits side of my dog.

Now the dog barks.

At this time, I mark,

Yes, on my sail,

Here is a bird.

It's claws and beaks are hard.

It tries to hunt it.

The amphibia is it's preyer.

 And the frog is also in own prayer,

With own frightened heart beats.

Then I ring my bell.

It flies away.

And fearlessly,

We float float and float...

On our hearty boat.

Yes, save others lives.

Give the right of living, tearlessly.

Do not make prey 

To lives!

I pray.

3:  The full moon night

I am on a lonely boat.

We float.

The river is flowing.

The air is blowing.

The full moon gifts us it's light

Which is ever polite.

Also too calm!

The night,

It is ever movie, yes.

The sky, it is ever endless.

The north star says us, "Welcome!"

We move forward.

Our destination is unknown.

But our floating is well known.

Now a night bird,

It takes place on my boat.

The moon rays are falling on it.

It's color is white.

Some aqua flower plants float.

These are touching my boat.

Also waves are touching my boat.

The full moon night is our company.

Silently it says, 

'The boat-lady is funny.

Without any aim, she is going to the way.'

Then the moon rays,

Calmly say,

None can know the future of movement.

Yet all are going with own sentiment.

4: She - they

She is a barefoot lady.

She is ever ready.

She walks walks and walks 

On the beach.

It is near of her shelter.

She has a pet dog and a bitch.

Every year, they give her 

Many many puppies.

She has many pet ducks.

They give her

So many eggs.

She knits and sales sweaters.

So many people come on the beach.

They purchase her sweaters.

She sales puppies.

She sales eggs.

So many people beg.

But she never begs.

Once upon a time, at past,

She was a very poor woman.

Then she had no money, 

Yet she couldn't beg.

Then she became too funny.

Then, she realized that, money,

Yes, it......must...Must....Must......

So, she decided to earn money.

And now, yes, she can.

Now, yes, she is rich.

Her footprints are deleted by waves, always.

But her walking is never stopped on her ways.

Just like the waves of the ocean.

All are coming again and again..…..

Waves are, were,  now and then.....

And "She"......"They"....Are, were now and then......


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